
Q&A with Stuartt Corder, alumnus astronomer

Q&A with Stuartt Corder, alumnus astronomer

High in the mountains just outside Santiago, Chile, a group of scientists are looking toward the sky, capturing information about every corner of our universe. Led by KU alumnus Stuartt Corder, astronomers at ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) have been able to uncover never-before-seen features of space. Recently, they’ve captured the clearest picture ever taken of planet formation around an infant star. The revolutionary image shows in great detail the planet-forming disk surrounding HL Tau, a sun-like star located approximately 450 light-years from Earth in the constellation Taurus. It shows concentric rings that suggest planet formation is already occurring around this young star.

Distinguished Alumni: Social justice and public service are hallmarks of Anne Levinson's career

Distinguished Alumni: Social justice and public service are hallmarks of Anne Levinson's career

Anne Levinson

In a time when girls were still wearing bloomers in gym class, Anne Levinson tried out for the boys’ baseball team in junior high. Such an act, when most people expected young girls to sit still and be quiet, was not very well received. Working to open doors so that more people can have opportunities has characterized Levinson’s life and shaped her impressive career. That seemingly minor episode of trying out for a boys’ team as a kid foreshadowed the trailblazing endeavors that Levinson would undertake at the University of Kansas and beyond.

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