Be a Jayhawk

Charlie Johnson Takes an Interdisciplinary Approach to International Religious Freedom

Charlie Johnson

Charlie Johnson grew up here in Lawrence, but with a quadruple major in Religious Studies, Political Science, History, and Global & International Studies, his studies have taken him great distances away from the Hill. During his time at KU, Johnson has been a part of an internship through…

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Jiyoon Park seeks a future in politics from Topeka to Capitol Hill

Jiyoon Park with the text 'Sophomore, Topeka, KS; Major: Political science, Global & International Studies, Environmental Studies; Minor: Intelligence & National Security Studies'

Jiyoon Park, a second-year Jayhawk, grew up in Topeka, just miles away from the state capitol building. Lawrence has always felt like a second home to him, since his mom teaches here, and he has always been around. Now triple-majoring in Political Science, Global & International Studies,…

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Margarita Alely Nuñez Arroyo pursues a Ph.D. in American Studies, fueled by passion to give back to KU communities

Margarita Alely Nuñez Arroyo with the text 'Major: B.S. Journalism; Minor: Dance and Creative Writing; Ph.D.: American Studies'

Margarita Alely Nuñez Arroyo was born in Mexico and grew up in Compton, California. Family brought Nuñez to Emporia, KS and since choosing to become a Jayhawk, she has fully immersed herself in various KU communities as a first-generation student. After graduating with her B.S. in Journalism,…

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Jordan Nevels Looks Toward a Future on the Big Screen

Jordan Nevels, year of study: senior, major: theatre performance, minor: film and media

Jordan Nevels has been a Jayhawk for life, growing up in Overland Park, KS, less than an hour from campus. Choosing Theatre Performance and Film/Media studies at KU, she has been exposed to a vast array of experiences that have opened her eyes to what could be to come in a future in theatre.…

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Natalie Gendelman Takes Study Experiences Abroad in Rome, Poland, and Israel

Natalie Gendelman

Natalie Gendelman is a senior studying Political Science and American studies, but she has already made post-grad plans to go into law and even start her own non-profit. Growing up in Denver, KU was never really on her mind, but after looking into it, it checked all of her boxes. Throughout…

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Joseph Hand’s Interests in Physics and Astronomy Take Him on an Extraterrestrial Journey

Joseph Hand Majors: Physics and Astronomy Year of Study: Junior

The University of Kansas is no stranger to research, and neither is junior Joseph Hand. With a long-standing passion for mathematics and the natural sciences, Hand now uses his interests and skills to double major in physics and astronomy. Hand’s favorite part of his time at the university…

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Thresa Kelly embraces research opportunities to fuel passion for physics and astronomy

Thresa Kelly Major B.S. Engineering Physics Minor Astronomy Year of Study Senior

Thresa Kelly’s passion for STEM started on a high school robotics team – that same passion still fuels her research at the University of Kansas that has taken her to Hawaii. At the College, she appreciates the diverse range of subjects and students and staff who have guided her in her journey…

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Amu Nuney explores humanity from multiple angles with anthropology, biology and English degrees


Amu Nuney is interested in exploring humanity from all angles —where we come from, how we communicate with one another and what makes us who we are. With majors in anthropology and molecular, cellular and developmental biology and a minor in English, the KU senior is seeking answers to those…

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KU senior Jade Groobman works to create anti-racist spaces for Jews of Color

Jade Groobman. Major: Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies. Minor: Political Science and American Studies

KU senior Jade Groobman had long been interested in the many misconceptions that exist about Jewish identity. And as an Asian American Jew herself, she experienced first-hand what she describes as a disconnect between the U.S.’s larger Jewish population and Jewish community members of color.…

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Lourdes Kalusha-Aguirre wants to inspire political engagement through film

Lourdes Kalusha-Aguirre. Major: Film and media studies. Minor: Journalism

Lourdes Kalusha-Aguirre knew from a young age that she wanted to make movies. With her Film & Media Studies major and Journalism minor, the KU senior has been able to build a network of talented actors, writers, editors and cinematographers to live out her dreams. Now, several of the…

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