college of liberal arts sciences

Dr. Arash Mafi: Executive Dean of the College!

Dr. Arash Mafi: Executive Dean of the College!

Arash Mafi and the front of Strong Hall

Dr. Arash Mafi is the new — and first — Executive Dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. We let him settle into his new role for a week, then asked a few questions to get to know him better. 

What excites you most about KU and the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences?  

Why Study in the College?

Why Study in the College?

Why Study in the College?

You have a lot of options when it comes to choosing the best path toward your future. So why major in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences?

Unwinding with Ward Lyles: Compassionate Urban Planner

Unwinding with Ward Lyles: Compassionate Urban Planner

Ward Lyles with the text 'Compassionate urban painter'

What’s the foundation of a city? For urban planner Ward Lyles, the spaces we inhabit are defined as much by an approach to life, and the people we encounter, as they are by the systems and physical structures that make up a sound infrastructure. The way he sees it, the true bedrock of a strong community lies in a simple, yet immensely powerful, guiding principle: compassion

Unwinding with Alison Olcott: Dinosaur Hunter and Mars Explorer

Unwinding with Alison Olcott: Dinosaur Hunter and Mars Explorer

Illustration for Unwinding Podcast's Episode with Dr. Alison Olcott Do aliens exist on Mars? Possibly. But how do humans actually go about answering that question? One option is to examine rocks to understand the types of  life-forms, like squishy things, that roamed the earth billions of years ago. That's what Alison Olcott does in her role as associate professor of paleobiogeochemistry in the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas. And while playing on Google Maps one day, Alison found that the rocks she needed to study are found not far from KU, in the Gypsum Hills of Kansas. Who knew Kansas and Mars were so similar!

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