
Dr. Arash Mafi: Executive Dean of the College!

Dr. Arash Mafi: Executive Dean of the College!

Arash Mafi and the front of Strong Hall

Dr. Arash Mafi is the new — and first — Executive Dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. We let him settle into his new role for a week, then asked a few questions to get to know him better. 

What excites you most about KU and the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences?  

Collegian 2017: Constructive Development

Collegian 2017: Constructive Development

If you haven’t been to campus lately, you will be in for a surprise the next time you visit. Carl Lejuez DeanSeveral new building and renovation projects are changing the landscape for learning, with new or enhanced classroom and lab space. At the same time, we’re expanding the heart of campus westward. For example, where once stood the Burge Union and Stouffer Place apartments will soon be a state-of-the-art science building and new union. Our spring 2017 magazine cover story, “Constructive Development,” shares more detail on current projects and how they will benefit the learning and research experience of our students and faculty.

Dean's message: Celebrating my anniversary

Dean's message: Celebrating my anniversary

Earlier this month, I celebrated an important milestone. I marked my one-year anniversary serving our alumni, students, faculty and staff as dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. I have never had a more demanding and rewarding job. The College is broad and dynamic, with more than 50 departments, programs and centers, as well as the School of the Arts, School of Literatures, Languages & Cultures, and School of Public Affairs & Administration. I work with more than 1,000 talented faculty and staff who are incredibly dedicated to the success of our 14,000-plus undergraduate and graduate students. There are opportunities and challenges at every turn. My first year has been filled with new developments and initiatives.

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