On the Boulevard

Why did you choose your major?

Chelsea Whiteside, Casting Call, Fall 2015Chelsea Whiteside, senior majoring in applied behavioral science major and minoring in sociology “I chose to major in Applied Behavioral Science because I absolutely love children and working with them was, of course, exactly what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I actually started out pre-nursing and one of the requirements for that is to take a child development course within the ABS department and fell in love with the courses and then just switched over.”  
CaitheAlexander_smallerCaithe Alexander, sophomore majoring in human sexuality and minoring in sociology and visual art “I chose human sexuality because I love the LGBT+ community and I want to work with the community in one way or another for a career. The plan right now is to go into higher education and work on college campuses to make them a safe and supportive environment for students to be themselves and find out who they are.”    
Paige Hansen, Casting Call, Fall 2015Paige Hansen, sophomore double majoring in biology and English “When I came to KU, I had a hard time deciding between a science degree and a more creative degree.  I started as strictly a biology major, but added English when I found that I really missed having a creative component to school. After graduation I plan to go into science writing/journalism. Think National Geographic or The New Yorker.”    
Casting Call: 2015Moriah Gerber, freshman double majoring in Spanish and business administration “I chose my double major because I have a love for both Spanish and business administration. I want to plan destination weddings in countries like Spain and Brazil, so this double major pair is perfect for me. Ever since I was in 8th grade I wanted to be a wedding planner.”    
Casting Call: 2015Cody Christensen, junior double majoring in economics and political science and minoring in math “I knew I wanted to study political science after I became enthralled by the 2008 Obama/McCain election. Economics nicely couples with political science by combining qualitative reasoning skills with quantitative analytics. I plan to move to Washington D.C. after graduation to (hopefully) work as a research assistant at a public policy think-tank.”  
Casting Call: 2015Victoria Kilkenny, sophomore double majoring in theatre performance and journalism and minoring in Spanish “The theatre degree is to help me pursue my dreams on stage but the journalism, strategic communications degree opens doors off stage, but still in the theatrical world.”       What is your favorite KU memory?
Casting Call: 2015Hunter Harding, junior majoring in film and media studies and minoring in journalism “The day the feature film I worked on for 13 months with many other KU film students premiered at Liberty Hall in Lawrence has got to take the cake.”      
Casting Call: 2015Lauren Davidson, sophomore double majoring in Spanish and journalism and minoring in business “This summer during my internship when I was interviewing Broncos Chris Harris and Aqib Talib and they both told me how much they loved coming to KU and wanted to make sure I was having a great experience here too because "WE" are Jayhawks.”    
Kassandra Knoff, Casting Call, Fall 2015Kassandra Knoff, senior majoring in English and minoring in Korean language “My favorite KU memory is going to the talk given by Margaret Atwood at the Union last year. I was one of the first people in line, maybe seventh or eighth, and we were allowed to ask her to sign whatever we wanted on something. I had her sign my copy of 'The Blind Assassin', with "Kassandra- Kick all kinds of ass!" And she did it!”    
Casting Call: 2015

Will Parmelee, senior majoring in psychology and minoring in journalism “I've had so much fun here at KU I don't know that I could ever pick just one as my favorite. The most notable would probably be seeing president Obama speak on campus. It was a wonderful opportunity and to hear him speak about how important education and childcare are reinforced my decision to work with children.”   

How will you pick your major? Start exploring majors and minors at Explore Programs