Learning the skills to improve the world
Internship title and organization: Chapters & Global Education Interns, People to People International, in Kansas City, Missouri
What were your responsibilities during your internship? Gabby: My responsibilities include archiving and updating records for the international mural project, planning and developing resources for the 2018 Global Youth Forum, reading and blogging for the international book club every month, public outreach for events, and data entry to update the chapters worldwide. Also, I review and offer recommendations for scholarships and grants submitted to People to People International. Taesuck: Organizing chapters and creating idea and projects through power point are my responsibilities.

What was your favorite part(s) of the internship? Gabby: Public outreach for the Global Youth Forum has been my favorite part of the internship so far because I love talking to people and informing them about opportunities with People to People International. Taesuck: Creating ideas and sharing them with colleagues. Also, I really enjoyed meeting new people and learning about working in a professional environment.
What did you gain from the experience that will be valuable to you in the future? How had the classes you’d taken at KU prepared you for the internship? Gabby: All of the global and international studies classes I have taken prepared me for this internship because they have taught me time management and editing skills. Time management and editing skills have been useful at my internship when blogging for the international book club and making sure I complete tasks on time.
Why did you choose your majors/minors? Gabby: I have always been fascinated with languages, religions, and cultures. Taesuck: I like learning about global issues and different cultures. I also like traveling around the world. I am interested in learning Latin American studies because I have never learned about this field in my county, and my country does not have much information and studies about this area.
What do you plan to do next? Gabby: I plan on finishing my research for my Global and International Studies Capstone and graduating in May of 2018. I hope to make a positive impact on a local and global level and I am open to potential non-profit and international career opportunities. Taesuck: I am planning to another internship this summer, hopefully in Washington D.C. After that, I plan to do an internship or work in Brazil.
What do you like best about studying in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at KU? Gabby: The best part about being in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is that I was able to have time in my four-year plan to study abroad. Studying abroad in Israel expanded my worldview and broadened my perspectives. Taesuck: There is a wide variety of courses to choose from. There are so many options, so I can develop my special area.
What would you tell your freshman self? Gabby: I would tell myself that it is okay to make mistakes and fail. Sometimes you have to fail at something to lead yourself to the right path that you are meant to be on. For example, I was a nursing major for a semester and struggled through chemistry which made me realize my strengths are in writing and editing instead of science. I am so happy that I switched to Global and International Studies because it is not only my passion, but the major fits my strengths well. Taesuck:
Who is your biggest inspiration? Gabby: My biggest inspiration is Malala Yousafzai because of her courage despite being surrounded by imminent danger. She was shot by the Taliban on her way to school and survived. She went on to write an autobiography about her life story and she strives to be a humanitarian activist. I want to be like her because she is fearless, driven, and values education. Taesuck: My KU friends. It's great to learn from their different perspectives, and they all have their own clear goals for what they want to do next. These conversations help motivate me to pursue my own goals.
Gabby takes over the College Instagram (4.13.2018)