Mentoring & Music: Julia Ogle

Julia Ogle with text  

Why did you choose your majors and minors? I chose to major in applied behavioral science because my therapist in high school helped me get my life on track when mental illness was decreasing my quality of life, and I want to help adolescents who are in a similar situation. Along with my minor in psychology, I'll have the knowledge needed to help mentor youths who have truancy issues, and I hope to eventually be certified as a mental health counselor. I decided to also minor in music because music also helped me improve my mental health in high school and I wanted to continue to learn about it in college. 

How do your majors and minors complement one another? Applied behavioral science is the study of improving peoples' lives through various behavioral treatments and psychology is the study of the mind, so those two complement each other in obvious ways. Music ties in to the mix because in its own way, it is therapeutic and helps stimulate mental growth. In fact, music therapy is a promising branch of therapy and is being recommended for more and more types of clients! 

What is your favorite KU memory?I was on campus during the golden hour. I was stopped in my tracks at the beauty of Strong Hall and how it seemed to glow in the light. It was absolutely breathtaking. 

What is one class at KU that everyone should take, and why? ABSC 360: Drugs, Addiction, and Behavior. It's fascinating to learn about the ways different chemicals interact with the various systems of the body and hearing about up and coming forms of treatments for drug addiction. 

What’s a fun fact about you: I went to the Illinois All State Music Conference my junior and senior years of high school as a percussionist and performed with top student musicians from around the state. I made some of my favorite memories during those times! Julia Ogle  

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