Nila Khan: Taking the Pre-Med Track

Nila Khan: Taking the Pre-Med Track | KU College StoriesWhy did you choose your majors and minors? I am currently a pre-med student and I picked my majors and minors to help better prepare me for the MCAT and the subject matter I would most likely see in medical school. 

How do your majors and minors complement one another? I have biology as my major and am planning to declare anthropology and psychology as my minors in the future. These complement each other well because I feel a pre-med student should be well-rounded and not only focus on the physiological aspect of healthcare. A pre-med student should be well-rounded and not only focus on the physiological aspect of healthcare. Mental healthcare is just as important.   

What is your favorite KU memory? My favorite KU memories are watching Game of Thrones with my roommates even though we all have other things we should be doing and are secretly panicking on the inside. 

What is one class everyone should take at KU, and why?I’ve only taken five classes at KU but of them I would say everyone should take a communications class because public speaking is very important and my professor, Robert McDonald, used to show us pictures of his dog to make us feel better after getting bad news. 

Fun Fact: Whenever I have free time I like to play video games: The Witcher 3, League of Legends, NieR Automata, etc.

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