Finals Week Freakout? 6 Tips to Take on the Big Week

Finals are almost here Jayhawks, are you ready? Take note of these six tips to make your big week go as stress-free as possible.

1. Get that schedule down!

Quick, do you know when and where each of your finals are?


Grab a calendar and write down the date and time for each of your finals. Avoid a last-second scramble to find your testing location.

2. Know what scores you need!


Know what your current grade is, and how much your final is worth. That way you can calculate what grade you need on the final. Who knows: you may have locked down that A already!

3. Make a schedule: and stick to it!


Avoid the late-night coffee-powered Anschutz cram session! Create a schedule and study for each class every day.

4. Test yourself, don’t just read the textbook!


When all you do is read the book, you aren’t testing what you know and don’t know. Make flash cards to review key terms and concepts.

5. Finish those essays now!


Got an essay due the last day of finals? Don’t put it off, get it done this week. You’ll thank yourself soon. And if you’re stuck, schedule an appointment with the KU Writing Center today!

6. Get some sleep!


No all-nighters allowed! A tired brain doesn’t hold old information or process new information as well as a well-rested one.

Follow these tips and your week will go great. Your break is just around the corner!